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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Types of Keyboard

Silicon Keyboard

Types of Mouse



Defining the Way Forward…
Who will you be training?
·         In-service teachers
How long will you have to teach them?
·         2 slots (2 hours/slot)
When will the learning happen?
·         During the conducted session …. With the aid of the Facilitators
Where will the learning happen?
·         Place designated by the BPG

Define the needs of your participants in order to set the learning objectives. Once the need and objectives are determined, then you can identify the best type of intervention.
  • Who will set learning objectives?
    • The stakeholder & the Facilitators
    •  Who needs to agree to them?
      • The course participants
  • How can you help ensure that learners “buy into” those objectives?
    • Based on their performance and test output
  • Will there be an opportunity to adjust objectives based on how the intervention is going?
    • Yes and according to the intervention progress
  • How will you know learning has happened?
    • By having short quiz
  • Do the outcomes/objectives focus on knowledge, skills or attitudes?
    • It will be based on the knowledge, basic skills  and also attitude
What are the specific learning objectives? They should be “S.M.A.R.T.” – specific, measureable, agreed to be all parties, realistic and time bound.
What are the resources that you will use to help meet your objectives?
·         The online materials provided in the L100 online learning
·         Additional internet references
What activities can you do to help embed the learning?
·         Provide overview of the entire scope that they are entitled to.
·         Short quiz to gauge the course participants existing knowledge
What are some strategies that you’ll use to keep your learners engaged and motivated?
·         Exploration method
·         Hands-On
·         Mind-mapping
How will you evaluate whether the learning is happening?
·         Conduct short quiz
·         Create mini project
What strategies might you use to continue the learning after the intervention?
·         Have EDUTAINMENT activities (Mouse Mischief-MM)
o   MM only applicable with 32bit system
o   Runs well with Win98

Can you anticipate some issues that will arise (challenges with internet connection, learners not understanding why they are there, etc)? How can you plan for and overcome these challenges?
·         Internet connection
o   Use own Broadband
o   Use Off-line material
·         Why they are being there
o   Failed the competency Test
§  Go through the material and resources provided
§  Have advanced and further reading materials (magazines and books)
§  Explore more on Internet
o   Need more awareness on the computer literacy
§  Have more routine tasks related to computer works
§  Attend more and more computer related short courses
o   Build confidence in ICT Learning
§  Practice makes perfect
§  Have competency tasks as upgrading method
§  Provide assistance to the slow learners
Use this space to brainstorm the actions that need to be carried forward in the coming days, weeks, months:
ü  Secure venue
o   By BPG through IPGM & JPN
ü  Draft invitation letter (or review the letter from government before its sent)
o   By BPG through IPGM & JPN
ü  Send invitation letter
o   By BPG through IPGM & JPN
ü  Set up discussion group on Partners in Learning Network
o   Next step
ü  Invite learners through the referral tool from my Partners in  Learning Network profile
o   Next step

How to Use the Mouse

Keyboard intro for beginners

What is a Computer?